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All to know about Kascading Light

Our Story

I started Kascading Light because I want to bring 'light' to everyone. That's why this is the year that I am starting to transform this hobby of mine into the vision I had at the end of 2019, well it had been building up to this without me even realizing. As I build this vision I want you to be apart of it which is why I am finally taking the leap! So before we start for those that want to know a little more background...

During high school I found my love for art, I ended high school with wheel throwing and photography as my biggest hobbies, besides softball. They were my distraction from all other things in life, my stress relief. As I became a busy D3 college athlete, I quickly realized that it wasn't going to be easy to make the time to do them between work, class and softball. In late 2014 a sports injury made it even harder with it being my arm, and that quickly became the time I needed those getaways the most. Summer of 2015 I found a pottery studio down in Rhode Island, where I was for school. It just wasn't maintainable once the school year started up again, so once again I fell away from what would make me the happiest. Then, Christmas of 2016 I got a candle making kit. I started to gain that crafting love and stress relief back and this time it was far easier to share with others, do at school in my dorm apartment and back at home.  

Since getting that kit, its been a passion and hobby of mine but really nothing more. I started selling on the side but never made it a big thing. In 2018 I did my first craft fair, going in with no expectations and was very quickly blown away. Friends and family were loving what I was making and it made me rethink a lot of it...which is where its lead me today.

Over 2019 I have taken bits from some of the people closest to me, as I have been a little too deep in the weeds of all the crafting. Through conversations, I found the name, Kascading Light, summer of 2019 before I even knew I was about to fall into this personal development/spiritual dive. As I started it I had NO idea what I was about to unfold! I joined a mastermind fall of 2019 that brought out a lot of the light that I now want to bring to others. Before the mastermind I had no idea what direction I wanted to take the candles and it became SO clear to me by the end of it! Like guys…how crazy is it to come up with the name Kascading LIGHT to later find I want to help bring LIGHT to others around me and that's just what I can do with my candles! 

I want my candles to be a little light in every ones life, whether that’s from the grounding effect the flame has, an affirmation or a blog post! We hope to see you around here as well as check us out on Instagram!

About the Candles!

Our candles are straight flames because:

  • They are made with 100% soy wax and a blend of essential oils and chemical free fragrances
  • They are dye free and wicked with a 100% cotton wick
  • They are handmade and poured by me in a small town in Massachusetts

Being environmentally aware has become very important to a lot of people, which is why I decided to make environmentally friendly candles. The soy waxed used is from U.S. grown soy beans. They are 100% vegan with a cotton wick, clean burning and made with those who want to better their environment in mind. I hand pick all ingredients to make unique scents for you! The candles should also burn for 45+ hours if you follow the instructions, yes there is a proper way to burn a candle.